3 Elements Your Website Needs to Have in 2014

If you plan on launching a new website or redoing an existing site in 2014 you can easily be focused purely on the aesthetics, content management system or markup of the site. Those elements are indeed important but as the web evolves I wanted to highlight 3 really important elements that shouldn’t be absent when launching a website in 2014. To ensure success and to have a truly modern site you’ll need to consider these elements:

1. Structured Data/Rich Snippets

At it’s very basic level, a rich snippet is a standardized way to represent data to users and search engines. As of now rich snippets exist for calendar events, news, media, recipes, reviews and handful of other pieces of content that can follow a set archetype across all websites. These “rich snippets”  are the few lines of text that appear under a search result and are designed to give users a sense for what’s on the page and why it’s relevant to their search.

Why Rich Snippets?

2. Visual Based Content

In the age of Pinterest it’s no joke that we are watching more and reading less. Visual content isn’t just for the Pinterest audience, every website should be taking a more visual approach to content no matter who your target audience might be. Larger photographs, infographics and video should all make their way into your website’s content and relaunch in 2014.

Why Visual Content?

3. Responsive Design

It feels like the digital community has been pushing responsive design for years and by now it should really be a standard approach to website development. Mobile adoption rate is staggering and mobile internet usage is projected to overtake desktop internet usage in the very near future. We rarely launch a site that isn’t mobile friendly as responsive design is a standard technique at PadillaCRT.

Why Responsive?

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