BuzzLine: What Would Bieber’s Publicist Do?

Baby Bieber (Ah, the good old days...)If you’re even remotely interested in the pop culture scene, you know Bieber has recently, well, lost his way.

Even the completely uninterested likely haven’t escaped the “news” about the 19 year-old’s recent antics – drag racing, taking drugs, drinking and driving, resisting arrest…

And the cherry on top? Rumors about his possible deportation.

Bieber, Bieber, Bieber.  Whatever will we do with you?

If you were Bieber’s publicist, what six words of advice would you give the misguided pop star?


Leave Justin your six words of wisdom in the comments.

voteThen, come back and VOTE for the winner! We’re testing a new feature this week that lets participants and readers pick the best BuzzLine.

As usual, the winner will receive Starbucks on us.

Now, back to Bieber.

Keep it classy, come back and vote, and… GO!

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