Don’t Stick A Pin In It – Create A “Consideration Calendar”

Having spent many years in agency Creative departments, managing projects and advertising campaigns from start to finish, the excitement of watching a concept grow (born from well-researched insights, of course) and come to life through copy and design, never got old.

The strategy behind creating and placing ads is what fascinates me now. Especially when it comes to SEM and Facebook ads. There are so many tests and experiments that help you uncover the types of content that gets your target audience clicking and engaging with your ads. We certainly shouldn’t be guessing, right? To advertisers, this data is invaluable.

For a holistic campaign to work, everyone needs to be on the same page. Content calendars are common, and monthly themes keep us all aligned. But what about the little things that come up over the course of a year? For example, in June, the First Day of Summer and Father’s Day are generally programmed in terms of paid opportunities, maybe even graduations are top-of-mind, even though they’re not included on standard calendar templates. We could also think about adding summer pool parties and picnics which are picking up speed now that people can safely gather in groups again. My point is, besides the obvious monthly observances and celebrations in your content calendar, think about additional topics that could connect with a specific subset of your audience. As strategic marketers, we need to be prepared to serve relevant content at the right time and place to help move consumers down the sales funnel.

As part of a content plan for paid media, I like to keep an interactive “consideration calendar” and get others on the Digital + Social team involved. We share trending topics daily and can act on them if we see value. A consideration calendar helps guide campaigns and enables us to pivot quickly if needed. It could drive content for a new ad group on Google, or a different copy headline, or hyper-targeting an audience on Facebook. 

As we move into a more privacy-driven reality online we can use this engagement to reach more people, create timely content and personalize our brand messages.  Let’s keep looking for little ways to move the needle even further. Considering trending topics and events is a great opportunity to avoid missed opportunities. Connect with us.

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