Out with the old, in with the new: Food Trends in 2019

As we say goodbye to 2018, and hello to 2019, we usher in a year full of new food trends and possibilities, that are bound to change the food industry and alter what consumers expect when they journey to their local restaurant or grocery store.

2018 saw the rise of multiple trends, such as street food inspired dishes, sustainable foods, unique desserts—like non-traditional doughnuts, artisanal ice cream, and shaved ice cream—homemade condiments and gut-friendly foods like the Instagram favorite, kombucha.

While 2018 brought us delicious goodies, 2019 is set to blow up the food industry in ways that the previous year didn’t even begin to touch.Click To Tweet

In the upcoming year, three of the top trends that have been predicted are cannabis-centric foods, “motherless” meat, and integrated automation in the production of our food. While these might sound simple enough, they have the potential to revolutionize the food industry and the way consumers interact with and appreciate foods.


Cannabis-centric or “infused” dishes had already begun to gain speed in the latter half of 2018. There are specialized chefs who are trained on how to add it to dishes, sauces, and toppings to create the perfect balance. With the marijuana regulating laws loosening across the country, it has built a space for the food industry to begin to incorporate CBD into items such as beer, aioli, and popular snacks such as lollipops.

Motherless Meat

One of the most interesting trends to watch for in 2019 is the rise of “motherless” meat, which is the process where scientists take cells from animals and reproduce their meat in labs. With the development of this being so new, cost effectiveness still needs to be addressed along with consumer acceptance of the process and flavor.


Lastly, one of the highly predicted trends for 2019 is the increased integration of automation in the production and distribution of food. This trend is beginning to be seen in restaurants such as San Francisco’s Creator, where they have created a machine that will produce your perfect burger from the bun to the condiments. Automation opens the door for robots to become an integral part of the food industry, bringing up the discussion of what the industry’s job landscape will look like in the coming years and how it may affect the way our food is made for us.

While 2018 brought us delicious goodies, 2019 is set to blow up the food industry in ways that the previous year didn’t even begin to touch. Are you ready?

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