The Workplace Word: 3 Relationships that Drive Employee Engagement

Last month I celebrated 11 years with Padilla. What started out as a summer internship just after graduating college became the place that has shaped my career for over a decade. And whenever anyone asks me what I love most about working at Padilla, I always say the same thing: the people. I’ve been lucky to work alongside talented teammates and inspiring leaders, all of whom have helped me become the communications professional that I am today.

So it doesn’t surprise me that research shows that who you work with has a huge impact on your engagement level. According to Quantum Workplace, “relationships with coworkers” are among the top drivers of employee engagement, with 77% of employees listing them as a priority. And we know that when employees are engaged, they are more likely to stay and help drive success for your organization.

To drive engagement, companies should encourage their employees to build strong relationships at work. Here are three examples of relationships you can help employees cultivate:

Employees want to build meaningful connections, and the best employers are the ones that recognize this and foster ways for them to do so.

Every month, we’re highlighting stories, trends and tips related to employee engagement and workplace culture that organizations should be keeping top-of-mind in order to engage, retain and recruit top talent.

For more insights on communication and brand strategy, industry trends and more, subscribe today to the Weekly Buzz here.

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