Two Steps to Claiming Your Workplace Confidence

Confidence is a two-way street. When you exude confidence, in turn, others instill confidence in you. And at work, that means people will have confidence that you’ll get the job done – which leads to more opportunities and opens new doors. But if you’re not born with it, how do you build your confidence in the workplace? Here are two steps towards becoming a more confident, professional, you:

Observe and Absorb.

If there are particular areas where you feel less confident (e.g., public speaking, networking, assertiveness, meeting facilitation, etc.), find someone that does it well. Then, observe them and their approach and model your methods after theirs. Not surrounded by people who have the same skills that you desire to build? Read up on it – books, articles, blogs or watch videos. Somewhere out there someone is teaching people how to develop more confidence when speaking in front of a crowd, working a room, asserting your opinions or facilitating a meeting. It’s just a matter of finding the information and absorbing it.

Do it Afraid.

Just because you don’t feel confident doing something doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. It just means you may need to do it afraid. But that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. Lack of confidence often stems from discomfort with not knowing how to do something. Face your fear and have a courageous conversation with your manager, colleague or mentor and lean on them for guidance and advice. Ask to pick someone’s brain for examples of how something similar was done previously and use them to inspire your thinking. You’ll feel (and appear) more confident once you have some ideas for how to approach a challenging task. Nerves aren’t necessarily a bad thing – they just indicate that whatever you’re doing matters to you. Taking your situation and putting it into perspective is especially helpful.

Just because you don’t feel confident doing something doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. It just means you may need to do it afraid.Click To Tweet

Claiming your workplace confidence may simply come with time and experience. If you ever find yourself doubting your abilities, no matter where you are in your career, these two steps should help you build the confidence you need to tackle what’s ahead of you. What tips do you have for growing your confidence on the job?

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