Padilla’s Top Podcasts

Whether they help get you through your daily commute, a workout at the gym, or chores around the house, podcasts have become a huge part of the entertainment world, and many of us find it helps make our daily routines just a bit more enjoyable. But if you’re not listening in your personal time, I recommend them as part of your media relations strategy. Many podcasts have a listener-ship equivalent to, if not larger than, some radio syndicates and there are niches of podcasts that may be more relevant to your industry/clients.

And, with there being such a large variety of content covered on a regular basis, podcasts are a great way to learn new things every single day. If you’re not a frequent listener but are interested in diving in, we’ve got you covered. I asked a handful of my colleagues across multiple Padilla offices what’s in their earbuds, and they did not disappoint. Check out our top 10 across the agency + many extras. Happy listening!

Padilla’s Top 10 Favorite Podcasts:

  1. Radiolab – “Radiolab is an investigation told through sounds and stories, and centered around one big idea. In the Radiolab world, information sounds like music and science and culture collide.”
  2. Revisionist History – “Each week for 10 weeks, Revisionist History will go back and reinterpret something from the past: an event, a person, an idea. Something overlooked. Something misunderstood.”
  3. 99 Percent Invisible – “99% Invisible is about all the thought that goes into the things we don’t think about — the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world.”
  4. This American Life – “This American Life is a weekly public radio program and podcast. Each week we choose a theme and put together different kinds of stories on that theme.”
  5. The Daily – “This is what the news should sound like. The biggest stories of our time, told by the best journalists in the world.”
  6. Up First – “NPR’s Up First is the news you need to start your day. The biggest stories and ideas — from politics to pop culture — in 10 minutes.”
  7. Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me! – “NPR’s weekly hour-long quiz program. Each week on the radio you can test your knowledge against some of the best and brightest in the news and entertainment world while figuring out what’s real news and what’s made up.”
  8. Pod Save America – “A no-bullshit conversation about politics hosted by Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer and Tommy Vietor that breaks down the week’s news and helps people figure out what matters and how to help.”
  9. Philosophize This! – “Philosphize This! is my free podcast dedicated to sharing the ideas that shaped our world! Beginner-friendly if listened to in order! For anyone interested in an educational podcast about philosophy where you don’t need to be a graduate-level philosopher to understand it.”
  10. Serial – “Serial tells one story—a true story—over the course of a season. Each season, we follow a plot and characters wherever they take us. We won’t know what happens at the end until we get there, not long before you get there with us. Each week we bring you the next chapter in the story, so it’s important to listen to the episodes in order.”

Bonus List:



Mystery, Murder, Suspense:

Personal Journals:


Society & Culture:

News & Politics:


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